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关于本站首页>沉默一万年>[火影]The Last Song
[火影]The Last Song






听着X-Japan的歌,突然就想为这片文章取这样一个名字。不过放心,决不是悲剧。 女主角生平是个再平凡不过的女孩子。有点懒,有点任性。然后在一次意外中来到火影世界。转生为宇智波佐助的孪生妹妹。 经历了一系列的变故之后,她才知道,有的事情,真的只有经历过之后才有评论的资格。 女主角刚刚开始不会很强。慢慢会变得非常强。但是就算如此,也不是全能。因为她也会访慌,也会受伤。 另外剧透一下,女主角阻止不了四代的死亡,鼬的灭族。 刚刚开始也不会出现去拯救君麻吕和白的状况。 不过后面,君麻吕和白会在她身边的。 这个设定是参照了[天天大王]的启发,由衷感谢一下作者~ http://music.fenbei.com/l/1862796 http://music.fenbei.com/l/1862796 The last song by X Japan Watching the stars.... till they're gone like an actor all alone Who never knew the story he was in Who never knew the story ends Like the sky reflecting my heart All the colors become visible When the morning begins I'll read the last line 終わらない雨、。。。。。 (无尽的雨,从深夜一直下到黎明 一点点浸透了,冰冷的心) In endless rain, I've been walking like a poet feeling pain Tryin' to find the answers tryin' to hide the tears But it was just a circle That never ends When the rain stops, I'll turn the page The page of the first chapter kizu tsuku dake kizu tsuite wakatta hazu no kotae wo doushite mada toikaketeru (既然已经受伤,何必要问原因。为什么依旧不知道,放弃。) Am I wrong to be hurt am I wrong to feel pain am I wrong to be in the rain am I wrong to wish the night won't end am I wrong to cry but I know, it's not wrong to sing THE LAST SONG cause forever fades ki ga tsukeba mata hitori yoru no sora wo mitsumeteru sukoshi zutsu kieteyuku our memories kizu tsuku dake kizu tsuite wakatta hazu no kotae wo doushite mada toikaketeru (独自凝视那温柔的夜色,慢慢消逝了,曾一起拥有的回忆和心情。 既然已经受伤,何必要问原因,还不知道放弃。) I see red I see blue But the silver lining gradually takes over When the morning begin I'll be in the next chapter owaranai ame dakishimeta yoru ga asa wo mukaeru kokoro wa mada nureta mama kizu tsuku dake kizu tsuite wakatta hazu no kotae wo doushite mada toikaketeru X 我还是不会贴图啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~~






Riddle Song






The Last Goodbye
