太监啦 TaiJian.La - 全网搜书

爱情 纯爱





一文钱逼死好汉。 容谦蕉,你是好汉么?明显不是。 天知道自己走了什么霉运,居然会遇上那种父母……真!¥·!¥#·%¥……满肚子怨气的容谦蕉无奈的换上俱乐部的服装。没错,堂堂校园王子、曾经富家大少的他现在开始要成为一家色情俱乐部的waiter!!真………………已经想不出来什么好词了,认命吧!这么想着,容谦蕉推开了包厢的门,笑容可掬地说着,“先生您好………………” 声音哑然而止,片刻过后,容谦蕉缓缓的从脸上拉下一张——扁平的……保险套?!! “哈哈哈哈哈!洗泉,你看你做了什么?!我就说你别跟我斗么!难道你不知道我是赌神么?!”夸张地笑声从包厢中传出。 一个眼神跋扈的男子傲然说道,“要你管!我就不信我赢不了你!” …………洗泉么?…………很好,姓洗的,我们的梁子结大了!!! ================================================================================== 因为私人原因重新申请了ID,所以这个素新瓶老醋了……以后会在这里进行修改和更新,带来的不便请各位大大原谅 尽管主角和大致情节不会改变,但是因为是修改稿,所以会增加任务和删改一些支线。因此还素厚脸皮的建议看过旧版的各位大大们看一下新版…… 在首页上加入了最近稀饭的某首歌,PADDI AUTIN的SAY YOU LOVE ME,很优雅的一首歌哦,也希望这个故事最后的感觉能给各位看书的大大这个感觉~~~………^_^ SAY YOU LOVE ME Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right Say you love me You know that it could be nice If you'd only say you love me Don't treat me like I was lice, ooh, woo, woo Please love me I'll be yours and you'll be mine If you'd only say you love me, baby Things would really work out fine Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right Say you love me You know that it could be nice If you'd only say you love me Don't treat me like I was lice, ooh, woo, woo Please love me I'll be yours and you'll be mine If you'd only say you love me, darlin' Things would really work out fine Say that you love me Mmm...mmm...ooh...ho...ho... Say that you love me Mmm...mmm...mmm... Hoo...hoo...baby Would you say you love me You know that it could be nice If you'd only say you love me Don't treat me like I was lice, ooh, woo, woo Please love me I'll be yours and you'll be mine If you'd only say you love me, baby Things would really work out fine If you'd only say you love me, darlin' Things would really work out fine If you'd only say you love me, darlin' Things would really work out fine












